From space our home planet, Earth, appears to be mainly blue in colour. This is because of the colour of the oceans which cover over two-thirds of its surface. The land areas, or continents, cover less than a third. The layer of air above the surface is thin, but makes life on Earth possible.
From space our home planet, Earth, appears to be mainly blue in colour. This is because of the colour of the oceans which cover over two-thirds of its surface. The land areas, or continents, cover less than a third. The layer of air above the surface is thin, but makes life on Earth possible.
What causes day and night?
Almost every place on Earth has a time when it is light(day), followed by a time when it is dark(night). Day and night come about because Earth spins round in space, and different parts of its surface face the Sun. It is daytime when a place is on the side of Earth facing the Sun. It becomes night when the place is on the side of Earth facing away from the Sun.
What makes Earth different?
A number of things make Earth different from other planets. It is covered with great oceans of water, and its atmosphere contains lots of oxygen. The atmosphere also acts like a blanket, holding in enough of the Sun’s heat to keep Earth at comfortable temperature. The water, the oxygen and the temperature make Earth a suitable place for living things - at least one-and-a-half million different kinds of plants and animals.
How has Earth changed?
Earth formed about 4,600 million years ago when bits of matter in space come together. At first Earth was a great molten ball. It gradually cooled and the atmosphere and oceans eventually formed. In time, it changed into the world we know today, made up of layers of rock with a metal core. Our world is still changing. Currents in the rocks beneath the crust widening the oceans, and driving the continents further apart.
What causes the seasons?
What causes the seasons?
The changes in weather that we call the seasons happen because of the way Earth’s axis is tilted in space. Because of this tilt, a place leans more towards the Sun and is warmer at some times of the year than at others. It is this that causes the changing seasons. The place tilted towards the Sun has summer, while the place leaning away has winter.
Diameter at equator : 12,756 km
Average distance from the sun : 149.6 million km
Turns on axis : 23 hours 56 minutes
Year length : 365.25 days
Surface temperature : -89°C to 58°C
Satellites : 1(the Moon)